05 junio 2007

The Latency of the Moving Image in New Media

Brian MacKern, Living Stereo, 2006. http://www.no-content.net/LST/

La latencia de la imagen en movimiento en los nuevos medios. El artista colombiano Eduardo Navas ha curado una muestra de nuevos medios en la galería Telic Arts Exchange de Los Angeles, cuyo soporte web es el siguiente: http://www.telic.info/onlinegallery/latency/
Dentro de la lista de participantes se encuentran varios artistas latinoamericanos de larga trayectoria y de producción muy interesante: Gustavo Romano, Brian MacKern y Arcangel Costantini, entre otros.

Va un fragmento del texto del curador y la lista commpleta de participantes:

What separates new media from previous media is in part waiting periods that define public and private experience; whether the download of a file from the Internet is taking longer than expected, an e-mail message has not been sent from one server to another for some unknown reason, or a large file is being rendered in video software like Final Cut Pro for output as a viewable movie, new media is largely dependent on constant moments of waiting, often referenced as latency. "The Latency of the Moving Image in New Media" presents artists who make the most of latency as a crucial element in their works.
Some of the works included in the exhibition are to be experienced online while others are to be seen as projections in an actual space, and others are downloadable interactive projects developed as freeware. The works will be available for viewing at TELIC in a way that is sensitive to their original contexts. A website will also be available for viewers outside of Los Angeles to experience the online projects, and to give information about those that are only viewable in the art space.

Artists participating in the exhibition include:

Art blogs:
Corey Eiseman (Miami, Florida, US)
Gustavo Romano (Buenos Aires, AR)

Online art:
Arcangel Constantini (Mexico City, MX)
Yann Le Guennec (Lorient, FR)

Jorge Castro (Cordoba, AR)
Antonio Mendoza (Los Angeles, CA, US)
Katherine Sweetman (Los Angeles, CA, US)

Audiovisual interfaces:
Fuss! Members include Raúl Marco Padilla and Guillermo López, (Madrid, ES) and Timo Daum, (Berlin, DE)
Brian Mackern (Montevideo, UY)
Julia Masvernat (Buenos Aires, AR)

Arcangel Constantini, SX70 timezero, 2006.

1 comentario:

alfonso martínez dijo...

muchas gracias por interesarte y tomar tu tiempo con documenta, ya viste que todo me fué bien...buscando,buscando en lo mas profundo del codigo. Bueno pues la verdad tu blog va mu bien, ah un apunte, existen servicios para incorporar traductores en el blog, como e-limbo, yo estoy pensando utilizarlo, sobre todo para gente como yo que no controlamos demasiado el ingles. un saludo, seguimos encontrandonos por estos barrios.